Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package in Abu Dhabi & Al Ain

Are you tired of strawberry legs, arms, or the full-body after shaving or waxing? Looking for a hair removal process that delivers long-lasting & permanent results at a reasonable price? Then we have the perfect quick fix for our valuable clients. With the latest laser devices, the candidate can scrape away the undesired hair for a lifetime from the full body in just a few months. Learn about the Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package in Abu Dhabi & Al Ain in the following blog.

What Is Full Body Laser Hair Removal?

At our location, we are presenting an amazing Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package in Abu Dhabi. The method is a well-known service of skincare, the process is not very costly for those who are tired of shaving or waxing the undesired hair from the body or any part of the body and appealing to chuckle of their hair for a lifetime. 

What Are The Results?

According to Enfield Royal Laser Treatments Clinic, a week or 12 days after the procedure, the individual will start shedding the hair. These are the hair from the follicle which were damaged. All the hair will not be permanently eliminated because the laser hair removal only focuses on the hair in its phase of growth, & that can remove up to 30 percent of the hair. 

The contender might acquire several sittings to completely eliminate all the undesired hair. A few candidates, mainly men, might just have a single or double treatment to lessen the hair on the sites like arms & legs. As soon as the hair has vanished, the individual will not require any further follow-up sessions.

Why Opt For Laser?

Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package Abu Dhabi:

Our clinic is dedicated to delivering the individuals with the greatest care by removing the barrier of cost so that the individual can attain the amazing procedure that will let them get rid of the unwanted hair from the body. The standard startup cost of the procedure is AED 700. Following below is the table of costs according to the package we are offering.

Sessions Package for a full body (AED)
Single session 800
Three sessions 2,250
Six sessions  4,450

Factors Impacting The Cost:

The final cost of the method will be determined meanwhile the initial meeting with the skin expert after evaluating components such as the device of laser being used, the thickness of hair, tone and texture of the skin, the expertise of the doctor, sittings required, and locality of the clinic.

What To Expect During Laser Hair Removal?

The expert will have a word with you in order to determine if the method of laser is right for you or not. The specialist will evaluate the skin and the hair in the sites that are most bothersome to you. Places of the body that works well by this treatment involve the face, legs, arms, armpits, back, and bikini site.

Pre-care Appointment:

Prior to the procedure, it is essential for the candidate to avoid tanning or using products that might tan for 30 days. Moreover, the client should prevent waxing or plucking 2 months before the procedure. A day before the procedure, the individual must continue to shave, as this will permit the beam of the laser to clearly target the site.

How Do Lasers Work?

It is essential to learn about the Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package in Abu Dhabi & Al Ain and the process. To begin the process, the expert will apply a numbing cream to the skin of the expert to maximize relaxation and minimize soreness. Meanwhile the treatment, the laser will be passed through the skin where it will focus the follicle & send the pulse light down the stem of the hair to damage it.

The duration of the process will vary on the site to be medicated, the individual can plan for 2 to 3 hours based on the site to be covered & the quantity of hair involved.

Post-care Appointment?

According to the skin specialist at Enfield Royal Clinic, to prevent any risks after the therapy in Abu Dhabi. The candidate must acquire to do is refrain from exposure to the sun, some individuals might observe redness & puffiness after going under the procedure. Cold compression might be utilized to calm the swelling, a few other guidance may include:

  • Avoid going out in the sunlight.
  • Prevent tanning equipment.
  • Apply a well-prescribed sunblock. 

A Note From Our Clinic!

If you are searching for a clinic where you can get a safe and amazing Full Body Laser Hair Removal Package in Abu Dhabi & Al Ain then you have come to the right location. Book your consultation right away to find more information and get answered to the queries or concerns you have. Get rid of the undesired hair in a few sessions, stop worrying, and avail of the amazing package at our location. We are here for you!